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AFE PPL Book 2A - Air Law
AFE PPL Book 2A - Air Law
AFE PPL Book 2A - Air Law
AFE PPL Book 2A - Air Law

AFE PPL Book 2A - Air Law

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For almost any pilot, Air Law is the first Theoretical Knowledge (TK) subject to be tackled on any pilot’s licence course. Indeed, many training organisations require the student pilot to pass the Air Law exam before first solo flight and passing the Air Law exam ahead of the other TK subjects is recommended practice under EASA syllabus guidance.

Nevertheless, many student pilots approach the subject with a heavy heart and too often Air Law is viewed as a largely academic and boring subject, best learnt ‘by rote’ purely to pass the exam, rather than acquiring any practical knowledge. This misconception was not aided by the original EASA PPL/LAPL Air Law syllabus, which contained much material that was largely irrelevant to non-commercial, VFR flight in the average General Aviation (GA) aircraft and offered little in the way of useful day-to-day aeronautical knowledge.

This shortcoming was addressed in the new 2015 EASA PPL and LAPL syllabi, produced by a team put together by the UK CAA and designed to bring PPL and LAPL training into line with the modern flying environment. In particular, the new syllabi focuses the Theoretical Knowledge elements of the courses on up-to-date and practical aeronautical knowledge, rather than requiring the pilot to learn overly academic and irrelevant material with little application in real world flying. This same approach is now also being applied to Theoretical Knowledge for professional pilot licences, such as the CPL, ATPL and MPL.

To make the best of this new approach to aviation Theoretical Knowledge requires new training material for the student pilot and Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law is the first of a brand-new series of training manuals, designed from the beginning to take full advantage of this new methodology in aviation training. Rather than merely making revisions to an existing publication, AFE has produced a totally new training manual for Air Law, fully aligned with the 2015 EASA PPL and LAPL syllabi and offering the pilot a comprehensive understanding of modern air law and how to apply aviation procedures, rules and regulations in practice.

Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law is a large format, full-colour publication, illustrated throughout with full colour diagrams, line drawings and photographs. The clean page design is based on modern instructional concepts to make the subject matter as accessible as possible and straight-forward to assimilate. Above all, the text and illustration avoids the approach of those older books which adopt a ‘cut and paste’ style of merely copying aviation regulation into print, word for word, without meaningful explanation. Instead the purpose and practical application of aviation regulations and procedures is explained, giving the pilot a proper understanding of Air Law and how to apply the procedures in practice. Throughout the focus is on the non-commercial VFR operation of General Aviation (GA) aircraft.

A mark of this new approach is the range of modern-world and safety-related subjects covered in Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law, including:

    Pre-flight Actions
    Avoiding Collisions and Rights of Way
    Operation in the Vicinity of Aerodromes
    Preventing Runway Incursion
    Radio Mandatory Zones (RMZ)
    Transponder Mandatory Zones (TMZ)
    Medical certificates

Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law is a fully up-to-date book on the subject for PPL, LAPL and NPPL pilots and student pilots, covering in particular the provisions of:

    2012 Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA)
    2014 ‘Part FCL’ regulations
    2015 Rules of the Air Regulations
    2016 Air Navigation Order (ANO)

Written by a current EASA Fight Instructor and established aviation author of over 25 training manuals since 1992, who was also closely involved in the creation of the 2015 EASA PPL and LAPL syllabi, Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law marks the beginning of a fresh and modern approach to aviation Theoretical Knowledge training. It is the first of a series of manuals delivering the real-world Theoretical Knowledge today’s pilots need - not just to pass the relevant exams, but also to operate safely and proficiently in the modern aviation environment.

Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law Contents

AL1 International Aviation Law

AL2 European Rules of the Air

AL3 Aerodromes

AL4 Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) and Visual Flight Rules (VFR)

AL5 Airspace Classifications

AL6 Altimeter Setting Procedures

AL7 Air Traffic Services

AL8 Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)

AL9 Urgency and Distress Procedures

AL10 Pilot Licensing

AL11 National Procedures


Aeronautical Knowledge - Air Law is suitable for use in conjunction with training courses for the following pilot licences:

    EASA Private Pilot Licence (PPL) (Aeroplane and Helicopter)
    EASA Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) (Aeroplane and Helicopter)
    UK National PPL (NPPL)
    ICAO-compliant PPL or equivalent licence
    Core knowledge for EASA Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
    Foundation knowledge for EASA Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)
    Foundation knowledge for EASA Multi-crew Pilot Licence (MPL)

It also provides foundation knowledge for an Air Transport Operations/Management degree or similar academic qualification.

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